SugarScience Blog
What's Your SugarShift?
By SugarScience Editor
Happy New Year! As 2015 begins and we all set our resolutions for the year, most of us have health as one of our top priorities. So here's the SugarScience challenge for your new year:
Join us as we roll out #SugarShift2015, a campaign to share ideas about the small shifts we can make every day to live within our 6 teaspoon-a-day limit (9 for men). Together, those small changes add up to big results.
Use Instagram to tell us what changes you'll make to decrease the added sugar in your diet. Post a picture of your before and after foods – switching a soda for a glass of water, or a cookie for an apple – or post a video telling us about your shift and tag it with #SugarShift2015. Make it real for your life. Then have your friends join you.
We'll give you a shout-out on Instagram and will be sharing your SugarShift photos and videos on Facebook and Twitter. Our hope is to spread the SugarScience message in a tangible way and build support around meeting healthy New Year's resolutions.
Together, we are shifting the sugar conversation in America.
Added sugar
Any sugar added in preparation of foods, either at the table, in the kitchen or in the processing plant. This may include sucrose, high fructose corn syrup and others.
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