
Our Research Process

The SugarScience team has conducted an exhaustive review of the scientific literature on sugar and health, combing through thousands of research papers on the topic to ensure that our site represents the most current and accurate scientific knowledge in this field. That review revealed strong and growing scientific evidence of sugar's link to diabetes, heart disease and liver disease. There is less extensive research linking sugar to Alzheimer's disease and cancer, but the team determined that more research must be done in those areas. We will continue to monitor each of these areas and will post further research on this site as it becomes available. 

Multi-Step Review

The team follows a multi-step process of locating, reviewing and summarizing this research. Our medical librarian, Dr. Evans Whitaker, conducts comprehensive searches for information in PubMed, the largest database of biomedical research in the world. These searches yield thousands of research papers.

The remaining papers are sorted by health topic and summarized by members of our research team. These summaries form the basis for the content and materials on SugarScience. All materials are reviewed by members of the SugarScientist team, to ensure an accurate and complete representation of the science.

The resulting database includes relevant scientific articles, regardless of publication date, type, national origin, language, funding source, authorship or conclusion. All scientific sources are scrutinized for potential author bias or conflicts of interest,1,2  so our SugarScientist team can take this into consideration in its summaries and evaluation of the evidence.

SugarScience will continue to reflect changes in our knowledge about sugar and health as scientific and medical knowledge advances and will update this site accordingly. We look forward to providing the most up-to-date, evidence-based resource related to sugar and health.

  • [1]Lesser, L.I., Ebbeling, C.B., Goozner, M., Wypij, D., & Ludwig, D.S. (2007, January 9). Relationship between Funding Source and Conclusion among Nutrition-Related Scientific Articles. PLOS Medicine . doi:10.1371/journal.pmed.0040005. Retrieved from
  • [2]Levine, J., Gussow, J.D., Hastings, D., & Eccher, A. (2003, April). Authors' Financial Relationships With the Food and Beverage Industry and Their Published Positions on the Fat Substitute Olestra. American Journal of Public Health , 93(4), 664-669. doi:10.2105/AJPH.93.4.664

Conflicts of interest

Researchers have conflicts of interest when their work is significantly dependent on a funding source that holds a vested interest in the outcome of their research.

SugarScience Glossary

Heart disease

A broad term for a group of chronic diseases of the heart, these diseases include problems with blood supply to heart muscle, problems with heart valves and the electrical system of the heart. Another term you will see used to mean the same thing is cardiovascular disease.

SugarScience Glossary

Liver disease

A broad term meaning any bodily process in which the liver is injured or does not work as it is supposed to. In this website we focus on liver diseases in which the diet hurts the liver

SugarScience Glossary

Diabetes mellitus

Usually shortened to just diabetes. Sometimes called sugar diabetes. Look at Type 1 Diabetes and Type 2 Diabetes for more information

SugarScience Glossary


Abnormal, uncontrolled cell growth in a part of the body, many types. Another of the chronic diseases.

SugarScience Glossary

SugarScience Facts

Growing scientific evidence shows that too much added sugar, over time, is linked to diabetes, heart disease and liver disease.

SugarScience Facts

Too much fructose in added sugar can damage your liver just like too much alcohol.

SugarScience Facts

Today, 31% of American adults and 13% of kids suffer from non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD).

Healthy Beverage Initiative

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eliminating the sale of sugar sweetened beverages.

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