Multimedia Gallery
The SugarScience multimedia gallery includes videos and graphics produced by the SugarScience team, as well as materials developed by our partners and other external organizations. These can be shared on social media, incorporated into presentations or used by news media to augment articles on the impact of sugar on health. When using, please cite the source, as listed below.
Videos from the SugarScience team.

Why we can't stop eating unhealthy foods (13:29)
Sugar scientist and UCSF professor of health policy Laura Schmidt questions whether consumers really do have freedom of choice – and what policymakers can learn from corporations in nudging consumers toward healthier behaviors.
Food, Nutrition and Politics: A Conversation with Marion Nestle (52:37)
Marion Nestle (NYU) and Laura Schmidt (UCSF) discuss nutrition policy and research, scientific conflicts of interest, the upcoming Dietary Guidelines, global food systems and more in this conversation about the food industry's influence on scientific research.
Sugar: The Unsweetened Truth and What We Can Do About It (73:04)
Obesity is at the root of silent epidemics such as type 2 diabetes and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Laura Schmidt explores the causes and solutions, taking lessons from tobacco: reducing the availability of harmful substances reduces consumption, thereby reducing harms to health. She talks about the UCSF Healthy Beverage Initiative and the effects it has had on employee health.
Shunning Soda with Guest Laura Schmidt (58:24)
Sodas are very prevalent. Every restaurant, every movie theater, every party usually offers some soda (or pop to this former midwesterner) as a refreshment. Laura Schmidt, a professor at UCSF School of Medicine, was a proponent of an initiative to sell only zero-calorie or non-sweetened beverages on the UCSF campus. What are the dangers of drinking too much soda? What changes do we see in public health when we adjust the culture around sodas?
The Truth about Type 2 Diabetes and the Choices We Make (29:58)
What is it like to have diabetes and what can you do to protect yourself? Witnesses talk about this disease and about strategies to prevent or recover from it.
UCSF's New Food Industry Documents Archive, Part 1 (88:00)
The UCSF Industry Documents Library (IDL) now includes the Food Industry Documents Archive, a brand new collection of over 30,000 documents related to the food industry and its impact on public health.
UCSF's New Food Industry Documents Archive, Part 2 (81:00)
(Part 2) The UCSF Industry Documents Library (IDL) now includes the Food Industry Documents Archive, a brand new collection of over 30,000 documents related to the food industry and its impact on public health.
Sugar Coated (2:13)
In the film, screening at Toronto's Hot Docs festival, director Michele Hozer takes a hard look at how sugar has escaped scrutiny as a leading cause of obesity, diabetes and heart disease for more than four decades. In her research, the Emmy-nominated and Gemini Award-winning filmmaker spoke to experts including California childhood obesity expert Robert Lustig, who made the video "Sugar: The Bitter Truth," and New York Times science writer Gary Taubes, author of "Is Sugar Toxic?"
Stopping Sugar: Findings from the Kaiser Permanente/AHARoundtable (1:05:09)
Leading experts from the across the country convened in Los Angeles on May 3, 2017 for a roundtable discussion on how to remove added and excess sugar from foods.
UCSF talk on healthy beverage initiative (37:00)
Listen to a joint presentation on the Healthy Beverage Initiative with UCB and UCSF. Recorded on March 29, 2017
Dr. Lustig: Type 2 Diabetes Is "Processed Food Disease" (31:07)
Dr. Robert Lustig is an endocrinologist and professor of pediatrics in the Division of Endocrinology at the University of California-San Francisco. In this video, he sits down with CrossFit’s Rory McKernan to explain sugar’s toxicity, outline the stakes of sugar consumption and offer suggestions for addressing the ongoing sugar crisis.
Fruit Water (1:53)
Water is the one of the healthiest and most refreshing drinks. It has zero calories, no added sugar, and tastes great. In this video, you will learn about easy ways to add natural flavor to water using simple ingredients on hand in your refrigerator, freezer, or garden. Instead of loading up on sugary drinks, enjoy these tasty and healthy flavored waters instead.
Sugar Addiction Explained By Dr Robert H Lustig (7:13)
Sugar isn't just sweet, it's addictive. This episode explores the cycle of addiction that sugar causes in the brain, much in the same way as drugs and alcohol. Source Courtesy :
Fat Chance: Fructose 2.0 (86:00)
Dr. Robert Lustig, UCSF Division of Pediatric Endocrinology, updates his very popular video “Sugar: The Bitter Truth.” He argues that sugar and processed foods are driving the obesity epidemic, which in turn affects our endocrine system.
Dr. Dean Schillinger, 2016 James Irvine Foundation Leadership Awards (3:57)
Can performance poetry help prevent Type 2 diabetes? Dr. Dean Schillinger thinks it’s a promising start. As founder of the Center for Vulnerable Populations at San Francisco General Hospital, Schillinger has a track record of health innovations. He created a multilingual telephone self-care system for diabetes. He also elevated the importance of making sure that low-income patients have a primary care doctor — dramatically reducing hospitalizations. Today, he’s developing a curriculum program to improve communication between clinicians and patients who lack health literacy.
Share the Love, Share the water! (2:57)
For many families, life is a little too sweet. Popular drinks like soda, sports drinks and chocolate milk have lots of sugar, which can lead to serious negative health outcomes like diabetes and dental caries. In this video, families will learn how to avoid the sugar in popular beverages by choosing to drink the most refreshing, inexpensive and life-sustaining drink in the world: water! So share the love, share the water.
What Does Sugar Actually Do To Your Body? (4:02)
Sugar Scientist Kimber Stanhope, PhD, explains how the effects of consuming fructose from soda starts in the liver and from there, sets off a chain of responses in the body, which can contribute to metabolic syndrome.
US proposes stricter regulations on sugary drinks (3:04)
After a ban on partially hydrogenated oils, advertisements in San Francisco for sugary drinks with no nutritional value will bear a message saying they can contribute to obesity, diabetes and tooth decay.
Sugar Science: Too much sweet in what you eat. (1:04)
Recent research tells us that the average American is consuming three times more sugar than is recommended, leading to more cases of type two diabetes and obesity
Sugar Panel Discussion at UCSF (54:50)
SugarScientists appear at the UCSF Health Fair to answer questions about sugar consumption and the hazard of added sugar in food.
Sugar hidden in plain sight (1:34)
In the near future, the Nutrition Facts label on the back of packaged foods will have a new look and more information. UC Davis' Kimber Stanhope explains how this will reveal the amount of sugar that is added to our foods.
Is Sugar in Fruit Different Than Sugar in Soda? (1:26)
Should people be worried about how much fruit they're eating? Dr. Kimber Stanhope, a Nutritional biologist at UC Davis, walks us through the science. FEATURING: Kimber Stanhope, Nutritional biologist, UC Davis
Sugar: The Bitter Truth (90 Minutes)
Robert H. Lustig, MD, on the SugarScientist team, explores the damage caused by sugary foods. He argues that fructose (too much) and fiber (not enough) appear to be cornerstones of the obesity epidemic through their effects on insulin.
Mobilizing Youth to Speak Out on Sugar and Diabetes (5:43)
The UCSF Center for Vulnerable Populations, directed by SugarScientist Kirsten Bibbins-Domingo, MD, PhD, MAS, engages directly with local communities to help translate research findings into better health. This video is part of The Bigger Picture project, a program through the Center that gives youth a forum in which to speak out about diabetes.
Sugar: Hiding in Plain Sight (4:03)
SugarScientist team member Robert H. Lustig, MD, decodes confusing labels and sugar's many aliases to help determine just how much of that sweet carbohydrate makes its way into our diets.
SugarScience Spot (:30)
Public Service Announcement (30 seconds) on the impact of sugar on our health.
Behind The Bigger Picture Campaign (7:04)
The Bigger Picture is a collaboration between Youth Speaks and UCSF Center for Vulnerable Populations designed to combat the rising epidemic of Type 2 Diabetes.
Fatty Liver: The Silent Epidemic (82:00)
Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) occurs when fat is deposited in the liver, without other causes of fatty liver identified. Dr. Danielle Brandman explores who is at risk, diagnosis, staging, complications and management. Recorded on 11/06/2019.
As SugarScience grows, we will be sharing examples of how our partners have used the materials on this site to reach their own communities. If you have a campaign you'd like to share, please email us.