
Cost-Effectiveness Of A Workplace Ban On Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Sales

By Science Alert

Sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) increase chronic disease risk. We estimated the impact on employee health and health care spending of banning SSB sales in California-based health care organizations. We used survey data from a large, multisite health care organization in California, sampling 2,276 employees three months before and twelve months after a workplace SSB sales ban was imposed. We incorporated the survey data into a simulation model to estimate chronic disease incidence and costs. We estimated that an SSB ban as effective as the one observed would save about $300,000 per 10,000 people over ten years among similar employers, as a result of averted health care and productivity spending— after both SSB sales losses and non-SSB beverage sales gains were accounted for. Sales bans would typically need to reduce SSB consumption by 2.2 ounces per person per day for lost revenue to be fully offset if there were no increase in non-SSB beverage sales.

Cost-Effectiveness Of A Workplace Ban On Sugar-Sweetened
Beverage Sales: A Microsimulation Model

Sanjay Basu, Laurie M. Jacobs, Elissa Epel, Dean Schillinger, and Laura Schmidt
Health Affairs July 2020 39 :7

Sugar-sweetened beverages

(SSB) Means the same as liquid sugar, or sugary drinks.

SugarScience Glossary