
Dean Schillinger, MD


UCSF School of Medicine

Dean Schillinger, MD, is professor of medicine in residence at UCSF and chief of the UCSF Division of General Internal Medicine at San Francisco General Hospital and Trauma Center (SFGH). He is a practicing primary care physician at SFGH, an urban public hospital, where he sees patients, teaches in the primary care residency program and conducts research related to healthcare for vulnerable populations. An internationally recognized expert in health communication science, Dr. Schillinger focuses on literacy, health communication, and chronic disease prevention and management. Dr. Schillinger served as chief of the Diabetes Prevention and Control Program for the California Department of Public Health from 2008-2013. 


Recent Blog:

Why Sugar Matters Today. Finding Tools to Fight Diabetes.


Dr. Dean Schillinger, 2016 James Irvine Foundation Leadership Awards


UCSF Center for Vulnerable Populations


Diabetes mellitus

Usually shortened to just diabetes. Sometimes called sugar diabetes. Look at Type 1 Diabetes and Type 2 Diabetes for more information

SugarScience Glossary
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SugarScience Facts

Today, 31% of American adults and 13% of kids suffer from non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD).

SugarScience Facts

Too much fructose in added sugar can damage your liver just like too much alcohol.

SugarScience Facts

Growing scientific evidence shows that too much added sugar, over time, is linked to diabetes, heart disease and liver disease.

Healthy Beverage Initiative

Learn more about how organizations are
eliminating the sale of sugar sweetened beverages.

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